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What is RQD (Rock Quality Designation)?
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) is a measure of quality of rock core taken from a borehole. RQD signifies the degree of jointing or fracture in a rock mass measured in percentage, where RQD of 75% or more shows good quality hard rock and less than 50% show low quality weathered rocks. RFQ is calculated by taking a rock core sample from a borehole and lengths of all sound rock pieces which are minimum 100 mm long are summed up and are divided by the length of the core run. Only those pieces of rocks are considered which are hard and good quality. Weathered rocks which does not meet soundness requirements and whose lengths are not greater than 100mm are not considered for calculation of RQD. The length of core pieces is measured along center line of the pieces. RFQ test provides assessment of soundness of the rock and damages caused due to weathering. Following table shows the values of RQD of various quality of rocks.Table-1: Quality of rocks and their RQD
Rock Quality | RQD (%) |
Very poor (Completely weathered rock) | <25% |
Poor (weathered rocks) | 25 to 50% |
Fair (Moderately weathered rocks) | 51 to 75% |
Good (Hard Rock) | 76 to 90% |
Very Good (Fresh rocks) | 91 to 100% |