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Orientation of building should be done for the climatic zone in which the building is situated. The purpose of orientation is to provide residents a comfortable living space throughout the year even under severe undesirable weather conditions. Here we will discuss about orientation of building for maximum comfort under hot and dry climatic conditions. Hot and dry climatic zones: Hot and dry climatic zones generally occur at This climatic condition generally occurs at latitude between 15 degrees to 30 degrees on both the hemispheres. Maximum daytime summer temperature goes as high as 45 degree centigrade and relative humidity as low up to 20 %. This type of climate is experienced in areas far from sea coasts and do not receive heavy rainfall. Thus, the humidity is very low. So, the buildings in this climatic zone should be orientated based on solar point of view so that the building receives maximum solar radiation during winter season and minimum radiation during summer season. Desirable features of buildings in hot and dry climatic zones are: 1. Orientation of building: Orientation of building in this climatic zone should be such that non-habitat rooms can be located on outer faces to act as thermal barrier. Longer walls of building should face North & South so that the building gets minimum solar exposure. Preferably the kitchen should be located on leeward side of the building to avoid circulation of hot air and smell from the kitchen.BUILDING ORIENTATION FOR HOT AND DRY CLIMATE
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