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A jointer in masonry construction is a tool in the form of a striking iron or a striking tool used to finish the vertical or the horizontal mortar joints. The masonry construction requires tooling process which help in waterproofing the joints and also to beautify the construction. Based on the joints that are tooled, the jointers can be classified into different types. For example - if the joint is concave joint, we use the convex jointer. If we are using the V – joint, we make use of the V-jointer. The joint finally formed or created by the mason is dependent on the architectural design and the specifications of the structure.Contents:
Types of Jointers in Masonry Construction
Different types of jointers are:- Convex Jointer
- V – Jointer
- Grapevine Jointer
- Slicker
- Rake Out Jointer
Convex Jointer in Masonry Construction
The convex jointer and the V- jointer are the most commonly used in masonry construction in various parts of the world. A long and rounded piece of steel is used to make a convex jointer. This is used to create a depression in the mortar which are in the form of a rounded indentation. This joint formed is called as the concave joint or a round joint. Convex jointer tool can be bought from the market in pocket size or in longer size. It has a wooden handle that makes handling easy. This type is also called as the sled runner convex jointer. This type of convex sled jointer with a solid round striking edge or runner is called as a Hubbard Convex sled runner. These convex jointers are available in long and shorter length with varying widths in the market. The variation in the width helps in having different thickness of mortar joints to be formed. The figure of a convex jointer is shown in the figure-1 below.
Fig.1: The first one is the Long convex jointer and the second one is short convex jointer
The figure-2 below shows the joint created by a convex jointer. It must be noted that a concave joint is created by a convex jointer.
Fig.2: A Concave Joint created by a Convex Jointer in a Masonry Mortar
V - Jointer in Masonry Construction
The figure -3 below shows the joint that is constructed in masonry mortar by using a V - Jointer. The tool used for creating V - Joint is shown in the figure-4.
Fig.3: V - Joint Created by a V - Jointer
The V - Jointer is a tool made of angled steel that have a V - Shaped piece. When this tool is allowed to move through the mortar, it creates a V -shaped Groove in the mortar joint. Short style or long style joints can be created by the jointer. Instead of a V - Jointer, a solid straight wood piece can be used to create this V- groove. But the perfection as obtained from a V- jointer cannot be obtained.
Fig.4: V - Jointer
Grapevine Jointer
These types of jointer help in creating an intended line on the mortar joint. This tool has a raised bead of steel at the center as shown in the figure-5. This tool was used widely in the American Masonry Design and construction. This type of jointer is available only in shorter handled size. As this tool have a grapevine design it is difficult to reassemble the handle. Grapevine Jointer makes the masonry surface to have a rough surface or a textured brick which brings a pleasing appearance.
Fig.5. Grapevine Jointer
Rake Out Jointer
The figure-6 below shows the joint formed by a raked Jointer. As shown in the figure-7, a nail is dragged across the mortar joints. This nail is placed in a wooden piece such that the nail is projecting outwards.
Fig.6: Raked Joint in Brick Masonry Mortar Joint

Fig.7: A mortar Joint Being Raked by a Rake Out Jointer
A screw arrangement is provided in this tool so that the screw can be adjusted accordingly by the mason. This adjustment ensures to obtain the desired raked depth in the mortar joint. The raked joint with wheels is a new development in this field. This tool help in getting a clear, neat and straight joint in the mortar.Slicker in Masonry Construction
These types of jointer help in creating flush or flat joints. The joints formed by this tool is shown in the figure-8. The tool is a small flat-edged piece of steel and is used in smooth mortars. This tool helps in creating flush in in the mortar.
Fig.8.Flush Joint Created by a Slicker in a Mortar Joint
The figure-9 shows two types of slickers that can be used to create flush joints. This tool takes the shape of a S-tool. Another end of the same can be used for striking. These slickers can be used in different sizes which will make it suitable to bring different sizes of flat joints. This tool is futile when working with stone and paving system and can be used for pointing in tight areas or in the corners of the building providing a neat and clean joint.
Fig.9. Two Styles of Slickers