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Understanding the common concreting problems that can occur during concreting practice will help to minimize further mistakes during concreting. Most of the concreting problems arise due to:- Improper Mixing
- Improper Placing
- Improper Curing
1. Segregation

Fig.1.Concrete Segregation
2. Discoloration
Discoloration in concrete is observed due to the alterations in the concrete mix and the materials used for batching. This is mainly observed in structures made from ready-mix concrete. Here, there are chances to add more water at the site to meet the workability which is an activity from poor workmanship.
Fig.2.Discoloration of Concrete
- Uniform curing of the concrete surface throughout the entire surface.
- Hard troweling over the exterior concrete surfaces must be avoided.
- The finishing of the concrete must be performed only after all the water has evaporated completely.
3. Curling
The bending of concrete edges will result in distortion of the slab in a curved manner. This is called as curling. The bending can be either in upward or in the downward direction. The temperature difference or the moisture difference between the bottom and the top surface are the major reason behind the concrete curling. Curling can be avoided by:- Proper Curing
- Moisture penetration prevention by using sealers and waxes
- Designing thicker slabs
4. Spalling
Concrete spalling is also called as concrete cancer. Weathering, excessive moisture, and corrosion are the major reason behind this surface failure. Spalling can be avoided by:- Adequate concrete cover
- Proper curing
- Using air entrained concrete
- Application of water repellent sealer once the concrete is cured
5. Efflorescence
Crystalline deposit of calcium carbonate over the concrete surfaces gives a wheatish appearance. This is called as efflorescence. The reaction of some soluble salts with the concrete result in such deposits. The calcium hydroxide in concrete reacts with salts to form calcium carbonates. Efflorescence can be avoided by:- Preventing the amount of calcium hydroxide by the use of fly ash in concrete.
- Application of sealants over the concrete surface
6. Cracking
Concrete cracking can be caused by:- Concrete Shrinkage
- Excessive thermal stresses in concrete
- Reinforcement corrosion
- Presence of excessive water in concrete
- Poor construction practice
- Providing properly designed joints
- Proper curing
- Avoiding moisture penetration
- Making a dense concrete with less pores
7. Crazing
Presence of fine cracks or fissures over the concrete surface is called as crazing. These are formed commonly on the concrete surface that is steel trowelled. The causes of crazing are:- Improper curing
- Floating of excessive cement paste over the concrete surface after compacting
- Excessive laitance on the concrete surface.

Fig.3. Crazing of Concrete
- Early and proper curing of concrete
- Avoid sprinkling cement or fine sand over the concrete surface.
8. Scaling
The breaking and peeling off of the concrete surface is called as scaling of concrete. Inadequate strength and curing are the main reasons of scaling of the concrete. Freezing and thawing cycles observed in porous concrete too results in scaling of concrete. Concrete scaling can be avoided by:- Concrete must be protected from moisture to prevent it from freezing and thawing cycles.
- Sealing the concrete surface after 28 days of concrete curing.
9. Bleeding
Bleeding occurs when the cement and aggregate in newly placed concrete begin to settle and surplus water rises to the top surface of the concrete. Bleeding continues until the cement starts to set, until bridging develops between aggregate particles, or until maximum settlement or consolidation occurs. Bleeding is dependent on:- Mix proportions
- sand grading
- sand particle shape
- Amount of aggregate fineness
- The fineness of the cement
- Water Content
- Concrete Air entrainment
- Use of well graded aggregates
- Water content reduction or Increased amount of cement content
10. Plastic Shrinkage
Plastic shrinkage cracking is usually associated with hot-weather concreting. It is caused by rapid evaporation of surface moisture from a slab or other flatwork. The procedures recommended for hot-weather concreting will alleviate the possibility of plastic shrinkage cracking.11. Dusting
Dusting is the wearing away of hardened concrete surfaces under traffic. Dusting is caused by:- Too much of water content
- Concrete Consolidation
- Use of aggregates that are not clean
- Formation of weak surface layer called laitance
- Concrete segregation