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The corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete is complex, but basically it is an electrochemical reaction similar to that of a simple battery. The composition of mild steel varies along its length and potential anodic (more negatively charged) and cathodic (positively charged) sites can be set up at various points.
Causes of Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete
Corrosion of steel in concrete is an electrochemical process. The electrochemical potentials to form the corrosion cells may be generated in two ways: (a) Composition cells may be formed when two dissimilar metals are embedded in concrete, such as steel rebars and aluminum conduit pipes, or when significant variations exist in surface characteristics of the steel. (b) Concentration cells may be formed due to differences in concentration of dissolved ions near steel, such as alkalies, chlorides, and oxygen. The differences in electrochemical potential can arise from differences in the environment of the concrete. Electrochemical cells form also due to a variation in salt concentration in the pore water or due to a non-uniform access to oxygen. Thus, one of the two metals (or some parts of the metal when only one metal is present) becomes anodic and the other cathodic. The fundamental chemical changes occurring at the anodic and cathodic areas are as follows. When there exists a difference in electrical potential along the steel in concrete, an electrochemical cell is set up: there form anodic and cathodic regions, connected by the electrolyte in the form of the pore water in the hardened cement paste. The positively charged ferrous ions Fe++ at the anode pass into solution while the negatively charged free electrons e- pass through the steel into the cathode where they are absorbed by the constituents of the electrolyte and combine with water and oxygen to form hydroxyl ions (OH)-. These travels through the electrolyte and combine with the ferrous ions to form ferric hydroxide which is converted by further oxidation to rust. The reactions involved are as follows:Anodic reactions:
Fe -> Fe++ + 2e- Fe++ + 2(OH)- -> Fe(OH)2 (ferrous hydroxide) 4Fe(OH)2 + 2H2O + O2 -> 4Fe(OH)3 (ferric hydroxide) (Water) (Air) 2Fe(OH)3 -> Fe2 × O3 × H2O + 2H2O — Hydrated ferric oxide (rust).Cathodic reaction:
4e- + O2 + 2H2O -> 4(OH)- It can be seen that oxygen is consumed and water is regenerated but it is needed for the process to continue. Thus, there is no corrosion in, dry concrete, probably below a relative humidity of 60 percent; nor is there corrosion in concrete fully immersed in water, except when water can entrain air, for example by wave action. The transformation of metallic iron to rust is accompanied by an increase in volume, which depending on the state of oxidation, may be as large as 600 percent of the original metal. This volume increase is believed to be the principal cause of concrete expansion and cracking. It should be noted that the anodic reaction involving ionization of metallic iron will not progress far unless the electron flow to the cathode is maintained by consumption of the electrons at the cathode; for this the presence of both air and water at the surface of the cathode is absolutely necessary. In the absence of chloride ions in the solution, the protective film on steel is reported to be stable if the pH of the solution stays above 11.5. Normally there is sufficient alkalinity in the system to maintain the pH above 12. In exceptional conditions (e.g., when concrete has high permeability and alkalies and most of the calcium hydroxide are either carbonated or neutralized by an acidic solution), the pH of concrete near steel may be reduced to less than 11.5, thus destroying the passivity of steel and setting the stage for the corrosion process. In the presence of chloride ions, depending on the C1- / OH- ratio, it is reported that the protective film may be destroyed even at pH values considerably above 11.5. For corrosion to be initiated, the passivity layer must be penetrated. Chloride ions activate the surface of the steel to form an anode, the passivated surface being the cathode. The reactions involved are as follows: Fe++ + 2Cl- -> FeCl2 FeCl2 + 2H2O -> Fe(OH)2 + 2HClCarbonation of Embedded Steel
It is recognized that steel embedded in a heavily alkaline medium with pH values from 9 upwards will not rust. During the setting of concrete, cement begins to hydrate, this chemical reaction between cement and water in the concrete causes calcium hydroxide to be formed from the cement clinker. This ensures the concrete’s alkalinity, producing a pH value of more than 12.6 which renders the steel surface passive. Protection of the reinforcement from corrosion is thus provided by the alkalinity of the concrete, which leads to passivation of the steel. The reserve of calcium hydroxide is very high, so there is no need to expect steel corrosion even when water penetrates to the reinforcement of the concrete. because of this, even the occurrence of small cracks (up to 0.1 mm in width) or blemishes in the concrete need not necessarily lead to damage.
Fig: Carbonation leads to the general corrosion along the full length of the bar.

The above figure shows the first outward signs of general corrosion taking place is surface cracking of the concrete along the line of the steel.

The above fig. shows that as the corrosion proceeds, the concrete will spall away completely to expose the steel.
Environmental influences and carbon dioxide in particular, will reduce the concrete’s pH value (carbonation) and thus removed the passivating effect, in conjunction with existing humidity, the result is corrosion of the reinforcement. Carbonation is the effect of CO2 from the atmosphere reacting with alkaline component in concrete Ca(OH)2 in the presence of moisture thereby converting the calcium hydroxide to CaCO3. The calcium carbonate is slightly soluble in water. The pH value of the pore water is generally between 12.5 to 13.5 but due to carbonation the pH is reduced to less than 9. The reinforcement therefore is no longer in the passivating range and corrosion occurs. The corrosion is accelerated in the presence of further moisture and oxygen. Ca(OH)2 + CO2 + H2O = CaCO3 + 2 H2O The process of carbonation reaches the depth of cover.The factors influencing the depth of carbonation are:
- Depth of cover
- Permeability of concrete
- Grade of concrete
- Time
- Whether the concrete is protected or unprotected
- The environmental influences.

Chlorides are generally acidic in nature and can come from a number of different sources, the most common being, de-icing salts, use of unwashed marine aggregates, sea water spray, and certain accelerating admixtures (their use is now prohibited). In the presence of chlorides localized pitting corrosion occurs which does not always have associated with it the early warning signs of surface cracking. Chlorides induced corrosion is potentially more dangerous than that resulting from carbonation. Like most of the aspects of concrete durability, deterioration due to corrosion of the reinforcement can take place years (5 to 20) to manifest itself.Factors Influencing Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement
The factors which generally influence corrosion of reinforcement in RC structures are:- pH value,
- Moisture,
- Oxygen,
- Carbonation,
- Chlorides,
- Ambient temperature and relative humidity,
- Severity of exposure,
- Quality of construction materials,
- Quality of concrete,
- Cover to the reinforcement,
- Initial curing conditions, and
- Formation of cracks.
Damages to Concrete Due to Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement
The process of corrosion, once set off, results in deterioration and distress of the RC member. The various stages of destruction are as follows:Stage 1: Formation of white patches
If the reinforcement is embedded in a concrete which is pervious enough to allow the passage of water and carbon dioxide then carbonation advances from surface to interior concrete. Carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide in the cement paste to form calcium carbonate. The free movement of water carries the unstable calcium carbonates towards the surface and forms white patches. The white patches at the concrete surface indicates the occurrence of carbonation.Stage 2: Brown patches along reinforcement
When reinforcement starts corroding, a layer of ferric oxide is formed on the reinforcement surface. This brown product resulting from corrosion may permeate along with moisture to the concrete surface without cracking of the concrete. Usually it accompanies cracking or cracking of the concrete occurs shortly thereafter.Stage 3: Occurrence of cracks
The products of corrosion normally occupy a much greater volume about 6 to 10 times than the parent metal. The increase in volume exerts considerable bursting pressure on the surrounding concrete resulting in cracking. The hair line crack in the concrete surface lying directly above the reinforcement and running parallel to it is the positive visible indication that reinforcement is corroding. These cracks indicate that the expanding rust has grown enough to split the concrete. Even at this stage the reinforcement looks as though it is rust free if the concrete is chipped off.Stage 4: Formation of multiple cracks
As corrosion progresses, there will be formation of multiple layers of ferric oxide on the reinforcement which in turn exert considerable pressure on the surrounding concrete resulting in widening of hair cracks. In addition, several new hair cracks are also formed. The bond between concrete and the reinforcement is considerably reduced. There will be a hollow sound when the concrete is tapped at the surface with a light hammer.Stage 5: Spalling of cover concrete
Due to loss in bond between steel and concrete and formation of multiple layers of scales, the cover concrete starts peeling off. At this stage, there is considerable reduction of the size of the bar.Stage 6: Snapping of bars
The continued reduction in the size of bars, results in snapping of the bars. Usually snapping occurs in ties / stirrups first. At this stage, there will also be a considerable reduction in the size of the main bars.Stage 7: Buckling of bars and bulging of concrete
The spalling of the cover concrete and snapping of ties (in compression member) causes the main bars to buckle, thus resulting in the bulging of concrete in that region. This follows a collapse of the structure.Minimizing the Risk of Steel Reinforcement Corrosion
The quality and depth of concrete in the cover zone are all important in minimizing the risk of corrosion as shown in fig. below.