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What is Distress of Concrete?
Distress in concrete members occurs with age due to corrosion in reinforcement, loading, settlement of foundations etc. This distress in in building can be found by development of cracks in concrete members such as slabs, beams, columns etc.The cracking of concrete in building is developed in three stages:
1. Stage – I: Volume of rust formed due to corrosion of reinforcement is increased about 2.5 times the volume of steel. With the result of corroded reinforcement bar presses the concrete outwards. Since concrete is poor in tension, longitudinal cracks are developed along the reinforcement bar. 2. Stage – II: Longitudinal cracks in RCC provide wide access to oxygen, carbon dioxide, and moisture with result excessive carbonation starts and structural damages starts. Fear in the mind of users starts. 3. Stage – III: In this stage cover comes out and causes danger to the life of structure and structure becomes unserviceable.
Fig: Distressed Concrete