Durable concrete construction requires selection of durable construction materials. Selection and properties of these construction materials are discussed.
Concrete Durability
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Permeability Test for Concrete Cover to Reinforcement
The durability of concrete structures depends on the permeability of reinforcement cover by concrete. It is this thin layer of concrete over reinforcement on which life of a structure depends. The permeability tester for concrete cover is a non-destructive instrument ...
Chloride Attack on Concrete Structures – Cause and Prevention
Chloride Attack on Concrete Structures is one of the most important phenomena we consider when we deal with the durability of concrete. Among all sources of failure of concrete structures, the chloride attack accounts 40% contribution. The main effect of chloride ...
Carbonation of concrete Structures The microstructure of concrete is such that it has capillary pores to the extent of 28%. The extent of pores depends upon quality of concrete and the presence of water at the time of mixing of ...
THERMAL MOVEMENT IN CONCRETE As with any material, concrete will expand and contract as the temperature rises and falls. The size of movement depends upon the change in temperature and the coefficient of thermal expansion o f concrete. The coefficient ...
Cold Joint in Concrete and Methods of Treatment
A cold joint is an advancing face of a concrete pour, which could not be covered by fresh concrete before concrete has begin to set due to stoppage, delay or low rate of pour placement. The fresh concrete can not ...
15 Factors Affecting Durability of Concrete
A durable concrete is one that performs satisfactorily under expected exposure conditions for specified life of the structure. Various factors affecting the concrete durability are discussed below. Factors Affecting Durability of Concrete Following are the factors affecting durability of concrete. ...