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- Why Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Repair and Maintenance Required?
- Visual Signs and Type of Repairs for Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Cracks in Concrete
- Preliminary Investigation and Detailed Investigation of RCC Structures
- The investigation of concrete structures is carried to ascertain:
- Diagnosis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Specifications for Concrete Repair Methods
- Selection of Materials for Concrete Repairs
- While selecting a material, the following points should be taken as the basis for selection:
- Surface Preparations of Damaged Concrete
- Actual Repairs Methods for Concrete Structures
- Periodical Maintenance of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Precautions for Repair, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
Why Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Repair and Maintenance Required?
Concrete is one of the most versatile man made construction materials of our times. Concrete by its flowability, in most complicated forms while wet, and its strength, development and durability characteristics when hardened, has gained a reputation as the most widely suitable material for most types of present day constructions. It is well known that the embedded reinforcement in the concrete remains protected due to high alkalinity of concrete and in turn provides durability to the reinforced cement concrete. Concrete should be designed for durability. But due to numerous specifications and multiple requirements to be complied with and coupled with adverse climatic conditions, the engineer at site faces many practical problems which reflect later the long-term durability of concrete. Therefore, it is a myth that even good concrete is maintenance free; it does require periodical inspection, maintenance and timely repairs to ensure the designed durability. The lack of awareness of the owner about the maintenance and repair of the structures leads to the neglect of timely remedial measures and the consequences are the same problems which manifest themselves in greater magnitudes after some period, where the durability and stability are not only impaired but also economically the cost of rehabilitation is changed multiple times. A simple rust stain on the exterior, if neglected leads to the cracking and spalling of the protective cover and if still not attended to can lead to corrosion of reinforcement, even leading to impairing the structural stability of the concrete. Moreover, it should be noted that repair or rehabilitation of distressed or damaged structures is quite different from the design of new structures, where the unknowns are either known or assumed. The reason for the distress has to be accurately identified before taking subsequent steps for repairs. The latest techniques for diagnosis and developments in the fields of materials for such repairs should be resorted to. This in turn calls for absolute expertise in investigating as well as in the material science. An early diagnosis and immediate remedial measures can provide by far cheaper solutions than the neglect of the same.