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Pouring concrete on a sloped surface needs excellent skills and experience to perform the work as planned. Commonly, low slump concrete is used for sloped concrete members, driveways, and wheelchair ramps.
The placement of low slump concrete in its final position and compaction requires great caution, experience, and proper concreting procedures. That is why all the necessary preparation should be made before the commencement of pouring.
How to Pour Concrete on a Sloped Surface?
- Prepare formwork and check their levels properly.
- Before concreting begins, perform necessary checks for reinforcements, formworks, and any other embedment objects.
- For concrete driveway and wheelchair ramps, make sure that the area is level, forms are firm and free from dirt and debris.
- Order low slump concrete to avoid downhill slumping of concrete along the slope. Low slump concrete has an excellent chance to remain at its position and take compaction properly.
- Concrete with low slump has a small proportion of water.
- Low slump concrete is desired from a structural point of view, but its placement and compaction need considerable work and energy.
- The slump value represents the consistency or the workability of concrete mixture.
- Slump test may be conducted on concrete upon its arrival to the construction site to check its suitability for the project under consideration.
- The drier the concrete mixture, the lower the slump value.
- For slopes less than 30 degrees, consider the slump value ranging from 5cm to 10cm. However, for steeper slopes, but less than 45 degrees, the desired value of concrete slump is 2.5cm to 7.5cm.
- If the slope is greater than 45 degrees, either use double forming for concrete thickness of 15cm or more or employ shotcrete.
- A 5cm lightweight concrete slump handles nearly the same as 10cm normal weight concrete slump. So, consider lightweight concrete when considerably low slump concrete is required for steep slopes.
- The slump value can vary based on whether the concrete is lightweight or normal-weight.
- As concrete reaches the project site, make sure the concreting begins from the lowest point of the slope. Then, as the concreting progresses, it can be raised upwards gradually. Try to prevent the downward movement of concrete.
- Apply vibration energy to compact wet concrete to eliminate voids. After completion of vibration, remove excess concrete off the top, and finish the concrete surface as desired.

FAQs on pouring concrete on an inclined surface

Pouring concrete on the sloped surface needs excellent skills and experience to perform the work as planned.
Commonly, low slump concrete used for slopped concrete members, driveways, or wheelchair ramps.
Make sure concreting begins from the lowest point of the slope. Then, concreting progresses slowly upward.

Adding water to the concrete mix will increase the concrete slump.

The maximum slope for the walkway should not surpass 5%. The percentage of the slope is calculated by dividing rise over run multiply 100.

The slump value is measured from the top of the slump mold to the top of the concrete.