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Properties of Hardened Self Compacting Concrete
1. Compressive strength of Self Compacting Concrete
In all SCC mixes compressive strengths of standard cube specimens were comparable to those of traditional vibrated concrete made with similar water -cement ratios – if anything strengths were higher. In-situ strengths of SCC are similar to those of traditional vibrated concrete, indeed somewhat higher when limestone powder is used as filler, probably because of a densifying mechanism and the observed lower susceptibility to imperfect curing, both attribute to this type of filler. The in-situ strengths of both types of civil engineering concrete, SCC and traditional  vibrated concrete were closer to standard cube strengths than those of the housing mixes again; this is typical of higher strength concrete. In vertical element, in-situ strengths of both SCC and traditional vibrated concrete are higher at the bottom than at the top, vibration of in-situ strengths, for both types of concrete is much lower in horizontal elements, in this case the beams. These observations are characteristic of traditional vibrated concrete. The in-situ strengths of elements cast and cured outdoors in winter (the beams), whether SCC or conventional, were lower than those cast indoors at the same time (the columns). Overall, we might conclude that the fresh self-compacting properties of the concrete have little effect on the in-situ strengths.