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S.No. | Type of characteristics | Type of impurity | Permissible limit | Absolute maximum limit | Remarks |
1 | Physical | Turbidity | 5 | 25 | On silica scale |
Colour | 5 | 50 | Colour number on cobalt scale | ||
Taste and odour | 1 | 3 | Threshold odour number | ||
2 | Chemical | pH value | 7 – 8.5 | 6.5 – 9.2 | |
Hardness | 75 mg/l | 110 mg/l | Hardness expressed as CaCO3 | ||
Total solids | 500 mg/l | 1500 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Magnesium and sodium | 500 mg/l | 1000 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Chlorides | 200 mg/l | 600 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Sulphates | 200 mg/l | 400 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Calcium | 75 mg/l | 200 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Zinc | 5 mg/l | 15 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Copper | 1 mg/l | 1.5 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Iron | 0.3 mg/l | 1.0 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Manganese | 0.1 mg/l | 0.2 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Arsenic | Nil | 0.2 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Lead | Nil | 0.1 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Selenium | Nil | 0.05 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Chromium | Nil | 0.05 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Phenolic compounds as phenol | 0.001 mg/l | 0.002 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Cynide | Nil | 0.01 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Fluoride | 0.5 mg/l | 1.5 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
Cadmium | - | 0.05 mg/l | As per WHO standards | ||
3 | Biological and micro-organic | Coliform bacteria | Nil coliform per 100 ml or MPN of B coli 1 per 100 ml | 1 coliform | |
4 | Radiological |
| Nil | 1 | WHO standard |
| Nil | 10 | WHO standard |
Water borne diseases are those which spread primarily through contaminated water.
(1) Disease caused by bacterial infections
- Typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever – caused by salmonella typhi bacteria
- Cholera – caused by vibrio-cholera bacteria
- Bacillary dysentery – caused by shiga bacillus or Flexner bacillus
(2) Disease caused by viral infections
- Infectious hepatitis or infectious jaundice – caused by hepatitis virus
- Poliomyelitis – caused by polio virus
- Gastroenteritis
(3) Disease caused by protozoal infections
Amoebic dysentery – caused by entamoeba histolytic germ