Uplift pressure, which is also known as hydrostatic uplift, is an upward pressure applied to a structure that has the potential to raise it relative to its surroundings. It is the condition of greater pore water pressure than the overburden pressure ...
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What are the Bearing Capacity Values of Different Soils?
The capacity of the soil to allow the loads coming from the foundation is called bearing capacity of the soil. The gross pressure at the base of the foundation at which soil fails is called ultimate bearing capacity. By considering ...
Permeability of Soil – Features, Darcy’s Law
The property of the soil by which it permits the flow of fluid through it is called permeability of the soil. The porosity in the soil material is contributed by the presence of interstices within it. The property of permeability ...
What is Frost Action in soils and How to prevent it?
The two critical frost actions in the soil are the frost heave and the frost boil. Frost heave is the phenomenon in which the water molecules present in the pores freeze during lower temperature which results in the expansion of ...
Factor of Safety for Bearing Capacity of Soils
Factors of safety for bearing capacity is a value which is established based on the type of soil, method of exploration, level of uncertainty in soil, importance of structure and consequences of failure, and likelihood of design load occurrence. So, ...
What is Soil Suction?
Soil suction is defined as the state of the soil when it is under reduced pressure. It is measured in terms of the height of the water column (h) suspended in the soil. The main features and factors affecting soil ...
Underwater Soil Sampling- Equipment Types and Applicability
Underwater exploration is commonly required for the structures which are constructed in/under water. The foundations of the structures like bridge piers, pipelines, port structures, and oil well platforms have to be constructed with great caution considering every bit of information ...
8 Factors that Influence the Quality of Undisturbed Soil Sample
Obviously, the quality of undisturbed soil sample is considerably significant. This is because crucial engineering properties for foundation design, such as soil strength, permeability, and compressibility are estimated by testing undisturbed soil samples. There are several factors that influence the ...