Water absorption test is the measurement of moisture quantity that roofing tile may absorb. If water absorption is too high, the tile may suffer from cracking which is not desirable. So, this test reflects the suitability of the tile for ...
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Workability of Concrete by Kelly Ball Test
Kelly ball test also called as a ball penetration test is performed on freshly mixed concrete to measure its workability. It is a quick simple field test and is considered as an alternative to the slump test. The test procedure ...
Tests on Limestone
In the construction industry, Lime is one of the best binding materials available and is used widely for different purposes such as mortar making, plastering, whitewashing, etc. Lime obtained by the calcination of limestone, which occurs naturally. Different tests are ...
Quicksand Condition – Occurrence Mechanism and Preventive Measures
Quicksand condition is the floatation of particles of cohesionless soil, like fine gravel and sand, due to vertical upward seepage flow. As sand boiling occurs, the bearing capacity and shear strength of the cohesionless soil decrease and the agitations of ...
Test for Silt Content in Sand
Sand or fine aggregate is one of the most important construction materials at any construction site. Its selection should be done very carefully as it contributes to the strength of various important mixtures like concrete, plasters and mortar. Sand should ...
Stress-strain Curve for Steel Bars
The stress-strain curve describes the behavior of steel bars under loads. It is created by testing steel specimens. A steel specimen is gradually pulled through a testing machine until it breaks, and stress and corresponding strains are recorded. The stresses ...
Strut Test to Determine Euler’s Buckling Load of Strut
Strut test is used to determine the Euler’s buckling load of the strut. Struts are long, slender columns that fail by buckling some time before the yield stress in compression is reached. The Euler’s buckling load is a critical load ...
Test to Determine Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete
Modulus of elasticity of concrete is defined as the ratio of stress applied on the concrete to the respective strain caused. The accurate value of modulus of elasticity of concrete can be determined by conducting a laboratory test called compression ...