Pipe reticulation system is a revolutionary termite treatment method designed to effectively treat the area under concrete slabs or flooring before they are constructed. The reticulation system is a network of underground specially designed pipes(rubberized membrane) to induce anti-termite chemical uniformly throughout ...
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How to Carry out Concrete Cubes Sampling as per IS 456?

The compressive strength test is one of the most important tests performed on concrete. This test gives a fair idea about the quality of the concrete that is being poured at the site. While conducting this test, the major question ...
How to Test Quality of Steel Reinforcement at Construction Site?

It is important to check the quality of reinforcement bars in order to ensure that the required characteristics are instilled into a structure. The quality check of the reinforcement bars brought to the site can be performed by the following ...
How to Design One-way Slab as per ACI 318-19? | Example Included

One-way slab is a type of concrete slab in which loads are transferred in one direction to the supporting beams and columns. Therefore, the bending occurs in only one direction. The design of one-way slab is simple and can be ...
Woodworking Starter Kit: Essentials That Every Beginner Should Have

The DIY home improvement market reported a skyrocketing growth in 2020. According to a report published in October 2020, the industry is growing at an annual rate of 4.8% and is on track to reach $1137.57 billion in the following five ...
How to Calculate Working Space for Excavation?

Working space is the additional space provided between the edge of the excavation and the footing for the ease of labor movement for fixing, removing shuttering boards, pouring of concrete, and compaction of concrete using a vibrator. In this article, ...
Tips and Rules for Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns

The design of reinforced concrete (RC) column is carried out by following certain procedures. However, some specific rules and requirements need to be met. The conditions are commonly related to reinforcement ratio, size of rebars, spacing of steel bars, size ...
How to Build a Cinder Block Wall?
Cinder blocks or concrete masonry units are building blocks made from concrete and other coal cinders. A cinder block unit is very light when compared to other building blocks because of a lesser proportion of aggregates and other ingredients possessed ...