The prevention of honeycomb in concrete structures can save time and money, and help construct structurally sound concrete members. Therefore, undertaking preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of honeycomb is of utmost importance. The measures include proper compaction, use of ...
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How to Avoid the Effects of Expansive Soil on Buildings?

Several measures like construction of deep piers, soil replacement, keeping moisture at a constant level, chemical soil stabilization, use of void forms can be adopted to avoid detrimental effects of expansive soil on structures and their foundations. One or a ...
Void Forms in Foundation Construction: Their Types and Applications
Void forms are sacrificial formwork members designed to provide a space between the concrete foundation and expansive soil, i.e., to protect the foundation from the heave of the underlying soil. They also offer a temporary support formwork for recently poured ...
How to Protect Metal Roof Panels in Cold Climates?
It’s a well-established fact that metal buildings are strong and durable and serve as an excellent option for cold and snowy climates. However, to ensure maximum advantage, roof maintenance and snow removal should be performed regularly. A number of factors ...
How to Carryout Waterproofing with Bitumen Mastic?
The bitumen mastic has proved to be a successful water-proofing material intended for water-proofing treatment of surfaces such as flat and sloped roofs and tanks. As the mastic asphalt is reasonably ?uid at the processing temperature, it can be applied to form ...
How to Deal With a Wet Basement?
Wet basements are not only uncomfortable for the occupants but also pose a great risk to the property. This condition is observed in old as well as new residential buildings and cannot be fixed immediately. The groundwater present in the ...
How to Prevent Plaster Defects During the Construction Stage?
Plaster defects can be easily avoided in the construction stage if the necessary precautions are taken at the right time. The preventive measures range from proper preparation and cleaning of the wall surface to selecting suitable materials and following the ...
How to Reduce the Possibility of Crack Development in Concrete?
The possibility of crack development in different structural concrete elements can be reduced by adopting various design and construction measures. These methods can help reduce or eliminate the causes responsible for the formation of cracks. Common types of cracks in ...