Dry pack mortar is used to repair the concrete surfaces which contains cracks or holes of depth larger than or equal to the least dimension of the repair area. The holes generally found on concrete surfaces are cone bolt holes, ...
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Defects in Concrete Structures – Types Causes, Prevention
Different types of defects in concrete structures can be cracking, crazing, blistering, delamination, dusting, curling, efflorescence, scaling and spalling. These defects can be due to various reasons or causes. Causes for Defects in Concrete Structures Causes of defects in concrete ...
What is Spalling Concrete? Their Causes and Repair
Spalling is break away of concrete surface which often extends to the top layers of reinforcing steel. Spalls may be 150 mm or more in diameter and 25mm or more in depth, and the occurrence of smaller spalls also possible ...
Sandblasting Concrete Surface- Process and Advantages
Sandblasting is a method to texture the surface of hardened concrete on patio, walls, columns, driveways, floors to remove paint or expose aggregates. The extent of sand blasting ranges from light cleaning to a deep cutting operation that exposes aggregates ...
Concrete Resurfacing – Repair of Concrete Floor or Pavement Surfaces
Concrete resurfacing is a method of rehabilitation of tone or damaged concrete floor or pavement surfaces to make it available for use without the reconstruction of the whole structure. Before undergoing any kind of method as a part of resurfacing ...
Types of Sealants Used for Joints in Buildings -Properties, Uses, Working
Sealant is a material which is used to seal the joints between materials such as concrete, glass, aluminum, masonry wall etc. In general joints are provided in the structures to prevent the damage produced by stresses. Properties of Good Sealant ...
Seismic Retrofitting of Bridge Abutments -Methods and Details
Two types of abutments used in bridge construction, monolithic and seat type. Methods and details of seismic retrofitting of bridge abutments are discussed.
Methods of Bridge Column Casing -Properties, Details and Uses
Purpose of providing bridge column casing is to improve its ductility, shear and flexural capacity. Methods of column casing, details and uses are discussed.