Brick ledge is a reinforced concrete bearing which supports the weight (100Kg per square meter or more) of finished materials such as brick, stone or other veneers acting directly on a footing or other foundation element. Generally, the brick or ...
Concrete Work Procedure
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Category: Concrete Work Procedure
Concrete work procedure for various types of concrete such as foundation, columns, beams, slabs, floors and other reinforced concrete structures.
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Efflorescence on Concrete – Causes, Prevention and Removal
Efflorescence in concrete is a whitish coloured powdered deposition of salts on the concrete surface that is formed due to evaporation of water from the concrete. It is caused when water soluble salts are present in the concrete material, which ...
How to Pour New Concrete Over Old Concrete Surface?
New concrete is commonly poured over old concrete, which may have been damaged for any reason, for repairing purpose. However, this approach is not suitable option unless the existing concrete is in good shape structurally. Concrete surface suffers from wearing ...
Topping Concrete – Work Procedure, Types and Advantages
Topping concrete is defined as a layer of high strength concrete placed on an old, worn out concrete surface to provide a dense, abrasion-resistant surface, to increase structural depth and strength of the base concrete. In this article we study ...
Concrete Gutter Construction- Methods and Work Procedure
Gutter is a concrete component that constructed beside pavements. The function of concrete gutter is to discharge water and prevent it to infiltrate beneath the pavement. Moreover, not only does it eliminates the need for side ditches but also it ...
How to Construct Concrete Stairs?
Construction of concrete stairs includes steps such as designing, preparing foundation, building formwork, placement of reinforcement steel bars, concreting, finishing and curing. Construction of concrete stairs is a difficult task that requires an engineer to study all the aspects and design ...
What is Spalling Concrete? Their Causes and Repair
Spalling is break away of concrete surface which often extends to the top layers of reinforcing steel. Spalls may be 150 mm or more in diameter and 25mm or more in depth, and the occurrence of smaller spalls also possible ...
Concrete Wall Construction Process Including Materials
Construction of concrete walls is a crucial phase in building construction. It is constructed as a load bearing structure to transfers loads from floor to the wall below or to the foundation, in addition to divide spaces in multi-storey buildings. ...