Wastewater treatment is the process of treating contaminated water or sewage to an effluent that can be safely dispersed back to the environment or reused for various purposes. The final product after treatment must not cause any undesirable effects on ...
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How to Install Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP)?
Reinforced concrete pipes (RCP) display widespread applications in storm sewer systems, large irrigation projects, and sanitation systems. In comparison with high-density polyethylene plastic pipes (HDPE), RCPs have higher strength and durability. The inherent strength of RCP makes its installation and ...
How to Plan for Cold Weather Masonry Construction?

Cold weather masonry construction demands several precautions to be taken by the builders. To avoid seasonal delays associated with cold weather construction, the builder or contractor employs dynamic procedures, equipment, mason contractors, supplies, etc. As per ACI 530.1-08/ASCE 6-08/TMS 602-08, ...
Important Know-How on Typology of Progressive Collapse

Progressive collapse of a structure is defined as the spread of an initial local failure of a structural element that eventually results in the collapse of the entire structure or a major portion of it. This type of collapse occurs ...
Crosshole Sonic Logging Pile Test for Foundation Integrity
Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) is one of the most accurate pile integrity tests to determine the integrity of deep foundation elements. CSL sends ultrasonic pulses through the concrete from one probe to another probe present in a pile and detects ...
How to Build a Cinder Block Wall?
Cinder blocks or concrete masonry units are building blocks made from concrete and other coal cinders. A cinder block unit is very light when compared to other building blocks because of a lesser proportion of aggregates and other ingredients possessed ...
How to Choose Water Pumps for Construction Sites?
Water pumps are commonly used on construction sites to remove excess water accumulated due to heavy rain or high water table. They primarily serve two purposes: keep water out of foundations, tunnels, and other excavations pits; and provide a supply ...
What are the Important Types of Dewatering Equipment?
Dewatering equipment are used to perform dewatering on construction sites, which is defined as the process of separating water from another material like saturated soil or sludge. The separation of water is performed by using a force generated by vacuum ...