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What is diffrence between retaining wall and breast wall?
vivek gami
Basic difference is retaining wall is designed to resist backfill earth pressure and breast wall is resist for natural earthen slope of hilly area In hill. When road is construct, at that time we need to cut-off some portion of hill and basically we construct two wall one is breast wall which is onRead more
Basic difference is retaining wall is designed to resist backfill earth pressure and breast wall is resist for natural earthen slope of hilly area
In hill. When road is construct, at that time we need to cut-off some portion of hill and basically we construct two wall one is breast wall which is on hill side of the road to give stability of hill slop and another one is retaining wall which is construct on valley side of road which wall have backfill pressure plus road pressure on backfill so we need to design retaining wall for that backfill & surcharge .
See figure for different between retaining wall and breast wall.
See lessWhat is effect of steel and aluminium, if we use it as reinforcement in structure?
vivek gami
Both have different properties & a separate cost which describes below. steel As compared aluminium,steel have less corrosion resistance Steel are chiper than aluminium Steel give lesser malleability and elastic properties than aluminium In weight steel have higher weight Steel is tough & haRead more
Both have different properties & a separate cost which describes below.
We are generally use steel as a reinforcement.
We doesn’t use aluminium because of soft metal property
See lessWhat is Universal Foundation?
vivek gami
universal foundation is pile foundation. it is used at all location, so we call it universal foundation in simple way basically pile foundation use at where bearing capacity of soil is low where chances of differential settlement of foundation where structural load is very high like bridge or skyskiRead more
universal foundation is pile foundation.
it is used at all location, so we call it universal foundation in simple way
basically pile foundation use at
What is contect pressure in footing?
vivek gami
< strong>contact pressure is the pressure between footing end and soil strata where we rest the footing. we should have safe contact pressure to avoid foundation failure like (punching failure, shear failure, excessive settlement of the foundation, etc. ) it is express by load per area it isRead more
< strong>contact pressure is the pressure between footing end and soil strata where we rest the footing.
we should have safe contact pressure to avoid foundation failure like (punching failure, shear failure, excessive settlement of the foundation, etc. )
it is express by load per area
it is depending on
see the figure to more understanding

See lessWhat are the quick tests to check the quality of material on site?
vivek gami
yes obviously for cement on cement bag some standard information should be printed like the type of cement, pozzolana content, IS code of that type, week of packing, it should have a greenish color it should give smooth feeling when putting your hand in cement bag and doesn't present any lumps WhenRead more
yes obviously
for cement
on cement bag some standard information should be printed like the type of cement, pozzolana content, IS code of that type, week of packing,
it should have a greenish color
it should give smooth feeling when putting your hand in cement bag and doesn’t present any lumps
When it throw on the water surface, it should stay on the surface before the sink for some time.
cement bag should be used within three months of manufacturing
for sand
Basically, we check clay content in the sand by sand, taken in hand, and rub it. If there is clay is present, then particular clay sticks with hand moisture so we can observe easily.
sand should be washable
We can also check its uniformity by sieve if it’s present on site.
aggregate should have well-graded we can check it by check packing (interlocking structure ) of it
aggregate should not have any clay contain
and other material we can check it by various experience .