A frame is considered to be non-sway (braced) if it is sufficiently braced by lateral bracing elements like structural walls. On the other hand, frames that provide lateral resistance only through columns are considered to be sway frames (unbraced). ACI ...
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How to Design Continuous Beam and One-way Slab using ACI Approximate Analysis Method?

Continuous beams and one-ways slabs are statically indeterminate structures which i.e they cannot be analyzed using three equations of equilibrium developed to solve unknown moments and reactions of determinate members. That is why several methods such as slope deflection method, ...
Understanding the Transfer of Loads from Slab to Beams
The transfer of loads from a slab to beams is controlled by the slab’s geometrical dimension and the direction of reinforcements. The load of the slab, including self-weight, live load, and imposed dead load, are distributed over the beams on ...
What are Load Factors and Strength Reduction Factors in Concrete Strength Design Method?
In the strength design method, the safety of concrete structures is ensured by using load factors and strength reduction factors. The load factors are used to increase the amount of applied load on a structure to account for possible load ...
Matrimandir: Construction Features of a Unique Temple
Matrimandir (meaning: mother’s temple) is a golden spherical structure that appears to be emerging out of the earth, signifying the birth of a new consciousness. The temple, also termed as the “soul of the city,” is located in the experimental ...
Influence Line Analysis Method – Tabulated Technique
Influence line represents the variation of either the reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at a specific point in a member, as a concentrated force moves over the member. Influence lines are important for the design of a structure that resists ...
Analysis Methods for Buildings Frames
Elastic analysis deals with the study of strength and behavior of the members and structure at working loads. Frames can be analyzed by various methods. However, the method of analysis adopted depends upon the types of frame, its configuration (portal ...
What is Shear Center – Location of Shear Center with Examples
Shear center is a point on the beam-section where the application of loads does not cause its twisting. The shear center position is dependent on the cross-section of the beam. For instance, shear center and center of gravity are the ...