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Various parts of unreinforced masonry structures such as units or blocks, mortar, and grouts are arranged and designed to resist all applied loads. This means that all reinforcement which are specified by Codes for the purpose of controlling cracks resulted from shrinkage are ignored. Not only should unreinforced masonry elements be designed to withstand tension and compression stress that caused by loads but also need to remain uncracked.
Design of Unreinforced Masonry Structures as per ACI 530.1-11
Calculations for Design of Unreinforced Masonry Structures
Calculations for Flexure and Axial Compression
Unreinforced masonry wall might not subject to net axial tension which could be resulted from wind uplift on the roof joined to masonry wall or overturning influence of lateral loads. Compressive forces caused by dead loads can be employed to balance tension stress but in the case of subjecting walls to net axial tension, reinforcement should be embedded to provide adequate resistance against resulted tensile forces. Moreover, unreinforced masonry can be designed to withstand flexural tension resulted from applied loads. Computed compressive stresses (fa) resulted from applied load should be equal or less than permissible compressive stress (Fa) if unreinforced masonry walls subjected to axial loads solely. For masonry elements h/r less than 99:

Table-1: Allowable flexural tensile stresses for clay and concrete masonry, KPa

Calculations for Shear
Shear stress of unreinforced masonry element is estimated using net cross sectional properties of the masonry in the direction of the applied shear force as per the following equation: