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Transverse openings in concrete beams could be different in shapes and sizes as shown in Figure 1. Even though large number of transverse openings with various shapes and sizes might employ, but it is better to use circular shape to make rooms for service pipes, for example electrical supply and plumping, and using rectangular transverse opening through for accommodating rectangular ducts of air conditioners.
Figure 1 different shapes and sizes of transverse openings in concrete beams
In existing structures and buildings, creating transverse openings through beams for better utilization and services above beam soffit other than dead spaces could be detrimental potentially. Problems related to transversal openings through beams can be avoided provided that placements of utility services is planned and taken into account previously but this is not the case most of the times. Generally, there are two most common situations when drilling holes are required which are during utility installation of recently constructed buildings and in existing structures. In the former case because of contractor request who want to save money by rearrangement of pipe services that is not accounted for carefully in the design stage. These types of requests would endanger serviceability and safety of buildings. The latter is when structural performance of an old building is needed to be assessed. In this circumstances core sample of concrete is taken out for testing purposes after that the opening is filled with grouts that are non-shrinking. The effects of openings in concrete beams on serviceability and strength of the structure are discussed in this article.