Plastic analysis is the method through which the actual failure load of a structure is calculated. This failure load can be significantly greater than the elastic load capacity. In plastic analysis and design of a structure, the ultimate load of ...
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What are the Effects of Earthquake on Structures?
Earthquake is the most dangerous natural phenomenon that generates sizable destruction in structures. It is reported that two sources of mistakes which would seriously endanger structures are ignoring the ways an earthquake affects buildings and shoddy construction practices. That is ...
Stress-strain Curve for Steel Bars
The stress-strain curve describes the behavior of steel bars under loads. It is created by testing steel specimens. A steel specimen is gradually pulled through a testing machine until it breaks, and stress and corresponding strains are recorded. The stresses ...
Construction of Wall Footings – Materials, and Dimensions
Wall footings are pad or spread and strip footings which are used to support structural or nonstructural walls to transmit and distribute the loads to the soil in such a manner that the load-bearing capacity of the soil is not ...
Raft Foundation — Design Requirements and Applicability
A raft or mat foundation is a sizable concrete slab or slab-and-beam system which supports all the loads of superstructure through walls or columns in two or more rows and rests on soil layer or rock. A raft foundation may ...
Difference Between Braced Frame and Moment Resisting frame
Both, braced frame and moment resisting frame are used in the construction of structures which are subjected to lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. This is particularly obvious for very tall structures where the lateral forces are the ...
Analysis Methods for Buildings Frames
Elastic analysis deals with the study of strength and behavior of the members and structure at working loads. Frames can be analyzed by various methods. However, the method of analysis adopted depends upon the types of frame, its configuration (portal ...
Fundamental Assumptions for Reinforced Concrete Design
The fundamental assumptions for reinforced concrete design permit one to predict by calculation the performance of reinforced concrete members. Of course, the structural mechanics in conjunction with extensive testing are used as a base for the design and analysis of ...