Shear center is a point on the beam-section where the application of loads does not cause its twisting. The shear center position is dependent on the cross-section of the beam. For instance, shear center and center of gravity are the ...
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Damage and Collapse of Concrete Buildings – Types and Causes
A reinforced concrete building gets damaged and collapses due to many reasons such as sliding of roofs, falling of walls, crushing of columns, short column effects, diagonal cracking, foundation sinking and tilting etc. Types and Causes for Damage and Collapse ...
How to Strengthen Existing Concrete Walls?
Strengthening of existing reinforced concrete walls becomes necessary either when they lose their strength and capacity to take up the stipulated loads or when you need to increase their load carrying capacity. This kind of rehabilitation is mostly required for ...
How Stresses are Transferred from R.C. Columns to Footings?
A proper understanding of the transfer of stresses(generated due to applied loads) from columns to the footings or piles is crucial for the design of sound footings. Factored forces and moments at the base of columns are transferred to the ...
5 Exceptional Features of Notre Dame De Paris
Notre Dame de Paris, translated to Our lady of Paris, is one of the greatest marvels of French Gothic architecture much like the Eiffel tower in Paris. Its construction began around AD 1163 and reached fruition in AD 1250 with ...
Offset Bent Longitudinal Reinforcement in Columns and its Requirements
Offset bent longitudinal reinforcement is the bending of vertical reinforcement bars of a column (larger column) at a particular storey in order to bring the bars within the limit of a column above (smaller column), as illustrated in Fig. 1, ...
What is Tributary Area in Columns?
Tributary area is the area surrounding the column that is bounded by a panel centerline. In order to calculate the forces and static loads transferred from floor slabs to the columns tributary area method is used. Commonly, designers use tributary ...
Design of Two-way Slab by Coefficient Method
There are several methods by which two-way slabs can be designed. All methods are viable provided that the safety and serviceability of the elements are within the acceptable limits. The coefficient method may be the simplest, easiest and the quickest ...