A plate girder is a built up I-beam section, used to carry heavy loads which cannot be carried economically by rolled I-sections. It is made by riveting or welding the steel plates in I-beam shape. Components of a typical Plate ...
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How Thick Should a Concrete Slab be?
Thickness of concrete slab depends on loads and size of the slab. In general, 6 inch (150mm) slab thickness is considered for residential and commercial buildings with reinforcement details as per design. Methods used for finding slab thickness varies for ...
Placement of Rebar in Footings – Horizontal and Vertical Rebars
Steel reinforcement forms an important part of concrete foundations. Thus, good placement of horizontal and vertical rebars in a footing is of utmost importance as placing concrete. The placement, size, cover, tying and tolerance in steel reinforcement are considered to ...
Post Tension Slab – Working Principle, Components and Construction
Post tension slab is a combination of conventional slab reinforcement and additional protruding high-strength steel tendons, which are consequently subjected to tension after the concrete has set. This hybridisation helps achieve the formation of a much thinner slab with a ...
Modulus of Rupture of Concrete Beam
Modulus of rupture is a measure of the tensile strength of concrete beams or slabs. Flexural strength identifies the amount of stress and force an unreinforced concrete slab, beam or other structure can withstand such that it resists any bending failures. ...
How to Construct Concrete Stairs?
Construction of concrete stairs includes steps such as designing, preparing foundation, building formwork, placement of reinforcement steel bars, concreting, finishing and curing. Construction of concrete stairs is a difficult task that requires an engineer to study all the aspects and design ...
Construction Joint in Concrete – Types, Location Selection and Advantages
Construction joint is placed when the mass concreting works are done and cannot be completed on a single stretch. The interface of the past day’s hard concrete and present days fresh concrete is to be properly done so as the ...
Concrete Wall Construction Process Including Materials
Construction of concrete walls is a crucial phase in building construction. It is constructed as a load bearing structure to transfers loads from floor to the wall below or to the foundation, in addition to divide spaces in multi-storey buildings. ...