A multistory building higher than 21m or 21 to 29 floor buildings with unknown height described as high-rise structure. Various structural systems are available to be used in the construction of high rise building. In this article, different types of ...
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Performance Levels of Buildings Against Earthquakes
Performance level of structures against earthquakes describes limiting damage condition that assumed to be satisfactory for a given building and a given ground motion. Moreover, building damages, danger to life safety of occupants in the building due to the damage, ...
Reinforced Concrete Beam Detailing According to ACI Code
Clearly, the detailing of the reinforced concrete members is the key to good design and execution of work at the site.That is why poor detailing of reinforcement makes the structure undergo cracking, excessive deflection, or even collapse. Reinforcements resist tensile ...
What are the Requirements of Partition Walls in Buildings
There are several requirements that a partition wall need to meet otherwise its purpose will be compromised. So, it is necessary to understand partition wall requirements in order to build it with high quality and provide satisfactory performance. This article ...
Purposes and Levels of Protection of Blast Resistant Design of Buildings
Different purposes of blast resistant design of building are to limit structural collapse, maintain building envelope and minimizing flying debris. The different levels of protection for blast resistant design of buildings are divided in two 4 categories which are discussed. ...
What is a hidden beam? Purpose, Applications and Design
What is a Hidden Beam? Hidden beam is a reinforced concrete beam, also called concealed beam provided within the depth of supporting slabs. So, the depth of hidden beam is the same as slab depth as it can be noticed ...
Methods to Monitor Crack Width Changes in Structures
Observing crack width changes is one of the techniques used to monitor structural damages due to ground movements, and there are several instruments used to monitor crack width changes. These instruments are discussed below. Methods to Monitor Crack Width Changes ...
Tolerances for Concrete Foundation Construction as per ACI 117M-10
Specification tolerances for concrete foundation construction as per ACI 117M such as tolerances for plumb line deviation, location displacement, deviation from elevation, plane and cross-sectional dimensions of foundations are discussed. Fig.1: Concrete Foundation Construction Tolerances for Concrete Foundation Construction as ...