Bamboo reinforced concrete mix proportion, design principles and construction technique with properties of bamboo as reinforcement in concrete is discussed.
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Minimum Thickness of Two Way Slab as per ACI 318-11 for Deflection Control
Minimum thickness for two way slab construction designed as per methods provided by ACI 318-11 Code namely, direct design method and equivalent frame method.
Shear Design of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements
Fiber Reinforced concrete is used for concrete structural members for around thirty years and developed for both prestressed and conventional or ordinary reinforced concrete elements. Fiber reinforced polymer bars are used as reinforcement in these concrete. There are different types ...
Factors Affecting Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs
There are various factors which affect deflections of reinforced concrete beams and slabs which needs to be considered and assessed adequately during design and construction.
Vibration Analysis of Machine Foundations
Machine Foundation is subjected to dynamic loads. These loads develop the vibratory motions which will transmit into the soil below the foundation. The effect on soil caused by these vibrations is analyzed using principles of soil dynamics and theory of ...
Structural Design of Bunkers with Procedure and Design Considerations
Bunkers and silos are structure that are used as storage tanks. Structural design of bunkers with procedure and design considerations are discussed. The bunkers and silos made of reinforced concrete have almost replaced the steel storage structures. Concrete bins possess ...
Two Way Slab Design by Direct Design Method as per ACI 318-11
Two way slab design by direct design method as per ACI 318-11, step by step procedure and limitations of direct design method for two way slab is presented.
RCC Coupling Beam – Types, Advantages and Design of Coupling Beam as per ACI
Coupling beam is a lateral force resistant component of a structure. Types, advantages and design of coupling beam as per ACI 318- 11 is discussed.