What is stone columns? Why it is required? It is a technique adopted for the soil which didn’t have the sufficient characteristics to permit construction. The stone column technique, also known as vibro-replacement or vibro-displacement, is a ground improvement process ...
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Methods of Strengthening of Foundations in Buildings
Strengthening of columns foundations is required in the case of applying additional loads. Widening and strengthening of existing foundations may be carried out by constructing a concrete jacket to the existing footings. The new jacket should be properly anchored to ...
What are Types of Foundation Failure Under Loads?
Types of foundation failure depend on the load it is subjected to. A foundation can fail in three different ways i.e. punching and one-way shear and flexure.
Reinforced Concrete Slab Design and Detailing Guide IS456: 2000
Reinforced concrete slab design and detailing guidelines for depth of slab, loads on slab, reinforcement guide for one-way and two-way slabs as per IS 456:2000 have been tried to present here. Following are the RCC Slab Design and Detailing guidelines: ...
Reinforcement Detailing of Concrete Slab Openings (Cutouts)
Details of openings in reinforced concrete slab are required to be provided in buildings to provide way for lifts, or cables, ducts or other instrument to pass through one floor to other floors, mainly in the case of industrial buildings.
Isolated Footing Design Example and Excel Sheet
Isolated footing design example with step by step procedure and isolated footing design excel sheet (spreadsheet) is also provided for easy and fast calculation. Learning design with examples is always the best method of learning. Step by step procedure for ...
Design of Reinforced Concrete Footings: ACI 318-14 and IS456
Reinforced concrete footing are designed based on column loads and moments at base and the soil data. This article shed light on the design of reinforced concrete footing. Reinforced concrete footing types Following are the types of foundations in order ...
Structural Design Guidelines for Concrete and Steel Buildings
The structural design process of a complete construction project is divided into three phases Planning, Design, and Construction. The planning phase will consider the various factors that affect the layout and the dimension of the structure. Here, the decision is ...