Confined masonry construction is a combination of two masonry, which consists of masonry walls (clay brick or concrete block units) and horizontal and vertical RC confining members built on all four sides of a masonry wall panel. Vertical members such ...
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Sketches/Maps of Concrete Cracks Observed in Visual Inspections
Sketches or maps or patterns of different types of cracks commonly developed in concrete structures are crucial to determine the type and cause of cracks during visual inspection. This would also reduce the time and effort needed to specify the ...
How to Replace Damaged Concrete Members in Structures?
The replacement of damaged concrete elements requires demolition and removal of existing structural elements and their substitution with new members. The demolition process is carried out after proper jacking is applied to relieve imposed loads on the damaged structural member. ...
10 Precautions for Effective Grouting in Tensioning Ducts
The complete procedure of the grouting of pre/post-tensioned cable ducts, its materials, equipment and properties is explained in detail in the below article. Grouting of Pre/Post Tensioned Cable Ducts The 10 important precautions to be taken for effective grouting in ...
Grouting of Pre/Post Tensioned Cable Ducts
Grouting of the post-tensioned cables in the post or prestressed concrete is carried out to provide permanent protection to the steel cables against corrosion. It also develops a bond between cables and surrounding concrete which fills the duct space and ...
Analysis and Design of RC Wall Footing Based on ACI 318-19
318M-19: Building Code Requirements for Concrete and Commentary The design of wall footing, which is also termed as strip footing, is based on the principles of beam action with only slight modifications. Wall footing should be designed to safely support ...
Fire Damage Mechanism of RC Structure and Assessment Method
Fire cause concrete surface cracking and crazing, chemical decomposition, and microcracking and spalling. These impacts can significantly change the properties of structural concrete, reducing strength and durability, and altering structural behavior. Assessment and evaluation of damages caused by fire is ...
Analysis of Bars of Varying Sections
The bars of varying sections, material properties, and dimensions, that are subjected to axial loads can be analyzed to determine their corresponding stress and strain values. The analysis is performed based on the fundamental equation from Hooke’s law, that relates ...