A super adobe structure is a man-made building made of sandbags (small or long) with the native material available in abundance and stacking or putting them in a layer that is reinforced with barbed wires. Superadobe is extensively used in ...
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Failure Modes in Concrete Beams: Flexural and Shear Failure
Failure modes in reinforced concrete beams are classified into two major types: flexural failure and shear failure. The former occurs when the imposed load exceeds the flexural capacity of the materials of the beam, while the latter occurs due to ...
Light Gauge Steel Frame Building Construction
Light gauge steel frame construction is an innovative and reliable construction method which is broadly used in the world and has surpassed wood frame construction in many design and construction aspects. It offers several advantages such as buildability, strength, design ...
Concrete Design Methods : Uses, Comparison, and Advantages
Concrete design methods or concrete design philosophies such as working stress method, ultimate strength method, and limit state method are used for the design of reinforced concrete, Steel, and timber structures. These design methods are based on certain assumptions and ...
Tests on Metallic Sheathing Ducts – Workability, Transverse Load, Tensile Load, and Water Loss Test
The sheathing ducts are used in Pre and Post tension of concrete members to create a void in the concrete, through which the cables/tendons are inserted and remain free to stretch during stressing operation. The sheathing ducts are available in ...
Shear Key in Construction: Purpose, Functions, and Uses
Shear keys are designed and provided in various structures to provide resistance against lateral loads like earthquake loads and sliding forces in various structure such as bridges, retaining walls, basement of residential buildings, precast buildings and culverts, masonry wall in ...
Euler’s Theory of Column Buckling
Euler’s theory of column buckling is used to estimate the critical buckling load of column since the stress in the column remains elastic. The critical buckling load is the maximum load that a column can withstand when it is on ...
Pre-Engineered Steel Building – Components and Advantages
A pre-engineered steel building is a modern technology where the complete designing is done at the factory and the building components are brought to the site in CKD (completely knock down condition) and then fixed/jointed at the site and raised ...