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- A structure which can adapt to the changing environmental conditions is called SMART.
- This smartness can be achieved by using smart materials like Shape-memory alloys (SMA), piezoelectric crystal, magneto-rheological fluids etc.
- Smart structures can take care of their own health and resist natural calamities.
- Differential settlement
- Earth quakes and vibrations
- Structural distress
- Corrosion of reinforcement
- Temperature stresses
- Consolidation in clay is very slow
- Clay has high swell-shrink nature.
- Under reamed pile foundation
- Providing water proof apron
- Replacing a layer of clay with CNS.
- The volume of clay remains unchanged if optimal moisture content is maintained.
- This can be achieved by adopting the principle of electro-osmosis as shown below.

- The seismic waves or other shock waves can be disastrous for a structure if it is at resonant frequency.
- It is characterized by suddenness of onset and violence of attack.
- The conventional design methods of earth quake resistant structures have not proved very effective so far.
- Magneto-rheological fluid is a smart material which changes from liquid to solid when exposed to magnetic field.
- When this fluid is filled in a cylinder and exposed to alternate magnetic it can act as a damper for shock waves.

- An ultrasonic device is used to detect the seismic waves. It is converted into AC current and passed to dampers.
- The solid-liquid transformation takes place at a frequency corresponding to that of seismic wave.
- The seismic wave is destructively interfered and the building is prevented from shock.
- It is estimated that a damper of 200kg can resist a force of 20000N of force.
- Many such dampers are fitted to the building as shown in fig.

- Improper analysis and design
- unexpected loading conditions
- A piezoelectric sheet of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer is placed under the structure.
- When a load causes deflection in beam it the PVDF develops electrical charges.
- These charges are amplified and converted into heat energy.
- This heat energy is supplied to a SMA at the sides of the structure.

- The down ward deflection caused by load is counteracted by the lateral force exerted by the SMA.
- This arrangement can be used to monitor the extent of deflection of the material and thus determine the point of distress before the actual failure.

- A thin metal foil of non corrodible material is provided surrounding the reinforcement bar.
- The metal sheet is given with positive potential and the rod is given negative potential.
- When the reinforcement increases in diameter it comes in contact with the foil.
- Now electroplating takes place in reverse direction.
- This structure cut downs a lot of material cost incurred in using under reamed pile and factor of safety.
- India has 25% of area prone to earth quake. This smart technology will help in saving a lot of men and material.
- The health monitoring of structures will help in forecasting failure and will provide time for rehabitation.
- 35% of deccan pleateau has black cotton soil, the use of this technology can ensure safe and economical construction over there.
- As the structure is constantly maintained the service life increases and the need for repair decreases.