The Rongjiang Bridge is a part of the Xiamen-Shenzhen high-speed railway route constructed in the Jieyang City of Guangdong Province, China. It is the longest bridge in the world with a main span of 660 m between two flexible steel ...
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Construction Technologies for Erection of Balanced Cantilever Bridge

A balanced cantilever bridge is mostly constructed for cast-in-place and precast segmental bridges. While cast-in-place segmental bridges are constructed for shorter bridges with longer spans, precast segmental bridges are constructed for large-scale bridges with a shorter span (50-120 m). There ...
7 Major Stages in Water Treatment Plant

Water treatment is the process of removing all those substances, whether biological, chemical, or physical, that are potentially harmful to the water supply for human and domestic use. This treatment helps to produce water that is safe, palatable, clear, colorless, and ...
Tower Bridge: Construction Features of the World-Famous Symbol of London
The construction of Tower Bridge started in 1886 and was opened to public in 1894. The bridge is renowned for its two primary glaring towers constructed on the waterway docks. It has two more modest towers on the shore abutments ...
Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge: A Case Study
Construction of the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge started on November 23, 1938, and was opened to the public on July 1, 1940. It was constructed in Washington, US, to connect the cities of Seattle and Tacoma. The main span of ...
Millau Viaduct: Construction Features of the World’s Tallest Bridge
The Millau Viaduct is the world’s tallest bridge constructed to connect Northern Europe and Eastern Spain. With its eight spans suspended from seven pylons, the total height of this cable-stayed bridge is 345 m, which makes it taller than Eiffel ...
Point Pleasant Bridge Disaster: Collapse of the Eyebar-Chain Suspension Bridge
Point Pleasant Bridge, also known as Silver Bridge, was constructed over the Ohio River to provide the crossing for highway number-35 of the United States of America. The bridge connected two major cities of Ohio and West Virginia, and provided ...
Mackinac Bridge: Construction of the Most Aerodynamically Stable Suspension Bridge
The Mackinac Bridge in Michigan is a bridge of ideal, assured aerodynamic safety secured without sacrificing either economy or graceful proportions. The design of the bridge, with a main span of 3800 ft., was predetermined scientifically, in final form, without ...