What is Sight Distance in Highway Engineering? Sight Distance is a length of road surface which a driver can see with an acceptable level of clarity. It plays an important role in geometric highway design because it establishes an acceptable ...
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Types of Pavement – Flexible Pavements and Rigid Pavements
Types of Pavements There are two types of pavements based on design considerations i.e. flexible pavement and rigid pavement. Difference between flexible and rigid pavements is based on the manner in which the loads are distributed to the subgrade. Before ...
Types of Distresses in Concrete Pavements and their Causes
There are various types of distresses in concrete pavements which may cause its failure. These distress in pavements and their details are discussed. Types of Distresses in Concrete Pavements and their Causes Following are the different types of distresses in ...
Bituminous mixes (some times called asphalt mixes) are used in the surface layer of road and airfield pavements. The mix is composed usually of aggregate and asphalt cements. Some types of bituminous mixes are also used in base coarse. The ...
Partial-Depth Repair of Concrete Pavements
The purpose of partial-depth repairs is to correct localised areas of concrete pavement distress. Repair of this type restores ride ability, deters further deterioration, reduces foreign object damage potential, and provides proper edges so that joints can be effectively resealed. ...
I R C RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CBR METHOD OF DESIGN Some of the important points recommended by IRC for the CBR method of design (IRC:37 – 1970) are given below: The CBR tests should be performed on remoulded soils in ...
Methods of Soil Stabilization for Pavements and their Quality Control
Methods of soil stabilization for pavement construction with materials such as cement, lime, lime-fly ash, asphalt and its quality control are discussed. Quality control is essential to ensure that the final product will be adequate for its intended use. It ...
New pavement joints typically exhibit good load transfer, particularly if the joints are doweled. However, repeated heavy loads can cause an elongation of the dowel sockets and result in dowel looseness and a reduction of load-transfer efficiency. As load-transfer efficiency ...