Road or rail line projects involves construction of culverts and minor bridges. Siting considerations and investigation of catchment area for construction of culverts and minor bridges is discussed.
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Strength and Failure of Bituminous Pavement Materials
Structure of Bituminous Pavements Flexible road structure is a combination of several layers, which serves the purpose of distributing the loads from the traffic (both dynamic and static) to the underlying layers in a level so that the layers can ...
Types of Bitumen Emulsion-Uses, Advantages and Manufacture
Bitumen emulsion is a dispersed liquid consisting of three products: water, bitumen & emulsion. Types, uses and advantages of bitumen emulsion is discussed.
Durability of Bituminous Pavements and Factors Affecting it
Durability of bituminous pavements helps to minimize maintenance cost. There are different factors which affect the durability of bituminous pavements are discussed.
Types of Failures in Flexible Pavements and their Causes and Repair Techniques
Failures in flexible pavements can be due to failure of its component layers which undergo distress due to various causes. Types of failures in flexible pavements and repair techniques are discussed.
Types of Failures in Rigid Pavements and their Causes and Repair Techniques
Failures in rigid pavements are caused by distresses due to various causes. Repair techniques these types of failures in rigid pavements are discussed.
Types of Bitumen Mixes for Pavement Construction and their Applications
There are various types of bitumen mixes with aggregates for pavement construction. Applications of these bitumen mixes for pavements is discussed in this article.
Ventilation in Tunnels -Types of Ventilation Systems in Tunnel Construction
There are various types of ventilation systems in tunnel construction provided to remove dust and poisonous gas during its construction and operation.