Aggregates have different properties which are tested individually with different types of tests for the construction of pavement.
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Various Lab Tests on Bitumen for Pavement Construction
Various laboratory tests on bitumen are conducted to check quality and different properties of bitumen for road or pavement construction works.
Types of Soil Tests for Road Construction
Types of soil tests for road construction project requires the site investigation to be carried out to understand the soil profile. For road construction works, the properties of soil at subgrade level are required.
Flexible Pavement Design by California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Method
Flexible pavement design by CBR method is used to determine the total thickness of pavement. Pavement design by CBR method recommended by California State of Highways and IRC are explained.
Horizontal Transition Curves for Highways and Its Calculation
What is transition curve and when it is needed? Transition curve is a curve in plan which is provided to change the horizontal alignment from straight to circular curve gradually means the radius of transition curve varies between infinity to ...
What is Vertical Alignment of Highways? Gradients and Vertical Curves
What is vertical alignment of highways? The vertical alignment of highway generally defined as the presence of heights and depths in vertical axis with respect to horizontal axis of alignment. These heights and depths in roads may be in the ...
Design of Flexible Pavement by Group Index Method
Before Design of Flexible Pavement by Group Index Method, let us understand What is Flexible Pavement? A true flexible pavement yields “elastically” to traffic loading. It is constructed with a bituminous-treated surface or a relatively thin surface of hot-mix asphalt ...
Superelevation in Highways -Analysis and Design
What is Superelevation in Highway Engineering? Superelevation is the transverse slope provided to counteract the effect of centrifugal force and reduce the tendency of vehicle to overturn and to skid laterally outwards by raising the pavement outer edge with respect ...