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Site planning is a design tool used to determine an appropriate development outcome, based on an analysis of the development site’s constraints. The opportunities and constraints inherent to a site and the response to a program/design brief are analysed and documented in an overall site planning document that should accompany a development application.
Good site planning therefore starts with a comprehensive analysis of the site, within the immediate and regional context. The “whole of site” approach encompasses broader decisions regarding building orientation/ placement on site, including location of associated structures and infrastructure such as access and circulation arrangements.
Clearly, the complexity of the site planning process will vary with the scale and nature of the proposed development, and the constraints existing on the site. Minor development may only require a site plan and a simple accompanying statement, whereas development is of a scale/nature or where the site is highly constrained may result in more detailed plans and supporting technical reports being submitted with the development application.
Site planning is the art of arranging structures on the land and shaping the spaces between, an art linked to architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, and city planning.
Site planning in architecture and landscape architecture refers to the organizational stage of the landscape design process. It involves the organization of land use zoning, access, circulation, privacy, security, shelter, land drainage, paintballing and other factors. This is done by arranging the compositional elements of landform, planting, water, buildings and paving and building zoos Roads and buildings, even gardens, do not grow by themselves. They are shaped by someone’s planning.
Undertaking a thorough site analysis of the site assists in:
- Guiding the development concept,
- Improving development outcomes through improvements in sustainability and design quality.
Undertaking a rigorous site analysis therefore must be one the first steps in addressing the controls set out. Adopting good site planning principles results in improved development outcomes that is translated to:
- Economic sustainability and cost benefits - A considered site design will reduce demolition, construction and operation costs of buildings;
- Social Sustainability - Addressing the needs of the local community will provide improved quality of life, local vitality and enhance community identity;
- Environmental Sustainability - Ensuring the proposal minimizes impact or even enhances environmental impacts; and
- Better Planning and Urban Design Outcomes - Achieving a development that integrates with the desired surrounding built form and landscape character.