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There are various factors that lead to schedule delay in construction project. Factors might be different from one project to another one. In this article, the most important and common causes of delays in schedule construction will be discussed.Contents:
Causes of Schedule Delays in Construction Projects
- Construction site access
- Differing site conditions
- Force majeure
- Adverse weather

1. Construction Site Access
Site access is one of the factors that may lead to delays in the project construction schedule. Examples of factors cause construction schedule delay involve the following:- Inability of the owner, when he/she controls the construction site, to provide information needed for the constructor to achieve permit.
- Failure of the previous contractor to finish its work in the area that is used by successive constructor is another factor of lead to delay construction schedule.
- Security problems which might create dangerous conditions for the contractor, prevent the contractor to access the construction site, or deny the contractor to access the area that on the critical path of construction schedule.
- Environmental problems that have not been dealt with and not been resolved.

2. Differing Site Conditions
Delays in project construction occurs when site conditions is different from those that expected from contract documents. Generally, there are two types of differing site conditions. Firstly, delays due to differing site conditions from those provided in contract document i.e. plans and specification. Secondly, delays happen due to difference between current site conditions and site conditions which are usually encountered at the location of the project. By and large, delays in project construction occur provided that the following criteria are realized:- Site conditions are defined or described in contract documents.
- The actual site conditions cannot be anticipated at the time of contract bid.
- The actual site condition is different from those explained in the contract documents.