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Estimation of bid price or tender cost of a construction project is calculated as the sum of the total cost of construction and mark-up price. Total cost of construction project consists of direct cost and indirect costs for the construction works. Direct cost of construction project includes the cost of materials, labors, plants and equipment while the indirect costs are associated with expenses on personnel recruitment and their training, research and development required for the construction works. Thus a direct cost is associated with the activities performed at construction site, i.e. if the activities are not carried out, direct costs are not incurred. In case of indirect costs, they are non-traceable based on activity. Indirect costs may have incurred even if the construction works / activities have not been performed. Thus, following formulas can be used to calculate the cost of construction projects: Direct Cost = Labor Cost + Plants & Equipment Cost + Crew Cost + Materials Cost + Subcontractor Cost Indirect Cost = Project Overheads + Common Plants & Equipment Cost + Common Workmen Cost Mark-up Cost = Profit + Contingency + General Overheads + Allowance for Risks Construction Project Cost = Direct Cost + Indirect Cost + Mark-up CostContents: