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Measurement of masonry works in construction is required for calculation of quantities of materials in masonry and to measure completed work. Masonry works are those where cement and fine aggregates without any coarse aggregates are used for construction purpose.Contents:
There different types of masonry work:
- Brick Masonry
- Concrete block / brick masonry
- Stone / rubble masonry
- Clay tiles, etc.
Measurement of Masonry Works:
Masonry works are such as brick masonry, concrete block, stone or rubble masonry are generally measured in volume, but are also measured in terms of area where the thickness of masonry is limited to single brick or single block. Tiling is measured in area. While measuring the quantities of masonry work, the wastage of materials such as bricks, cement or sand is not taken into account. Also, the types and classes of bricks, blocks or tiles are not considering while measuring the quantity of work. This is taken care in pricing of the different masonry works. Each type of masonry works are measured separately into categories to calculate exact cost of construction based on its price.Rules for Measurement of Masonry Works:
Following are the general rules for measuring masonry works: 1. Masonry is measured as “net in place” with deductions for openings such as doors, windows, ventilation etc. 2. Different shapes of masonry units are measured separately such rectangular, circular etc. 3. Masonry at different heights are measured separately because masonry at higher elevation from ground may require scaffolding and hoisting. 4. Masonry work is measured separately in the different categories such as:a) Facings
b) Backing to facings
c) Walls and partitions
d) Furring to walls
e) Fire protection
5. Masonry work which requires cleaning of surface are measured in area such as square meter or square feet. 6. Any special treatment to masonry surfaces are measured in area such as square feet or square meter, with the count of number of coats applied. 7. Any joints in masonry structure such as expansion joints or control joints are measured in length such as meter or feet with description of type of joint. Also the type of joint filler material for the joint used is indicated in description. 8. For different types of mortar, or mortar with different types of admixtures are measured separately. These are measured in volume such as cubic meter or cubic feet. 9. If any reinforcement is used in masonry, then it is measured separately. 10. Extra items in masonry construction such as anchor bolts, sleeves, brackets, and similar items that are built into masonry are described in the measurement and measured separately. 11. Enumerate weep holes where they are required to be formed using plastic inserts and such like. 12. Measure rigid insulation to masonry work in square feet or square meters, describing the type and thickness of material.Measurement of Brick Masonry
For measurement of brick masonry, general rules specified above are used along with following points:- Brick masonry is measured in volume for thickness more than single bricks. For masonry with single bricks, it is measured in square meters.
- Facing bricks are measured separately.
- Different types or class of brick masonry are measured separately.
Measurement of Concrete Block Masonry
Concrete block masonry are measured as general rules described above along with following points:- Different types of concrete block masonry such as type and size of concrete blocks are measured separately.
- Special units required at corners, jambs, heads, sills, and other similar locations are measured separately.
- Measure concrete to core fills and bond beams in cubic feet or cubic meters, stating the strength and type of concrete to be used. These are measured separately for different types of concrete block based on strength.
- Measure in linear feet or meters reinforcing steel to core fills and bond beams, stating the size and type of rebar to be used.
Deduction for Openings and Bearings in Masonry Works Measurements
No deduction is made for following: (1) Opening each up to 1000sq cm 0.1 square meter (2) Ends of beams, post, rafters, etc. up to 500 sq.cm or 0.05 sq.m in section. (3) Bed plate, wall plate, bearing of balcony (chajja) and the like up to 10 cm depth. bearing of floor and roof slabs are not deducted from masonry. For other openings deduction are made in following manner:Deductions for Rectangular Opening:
Full deduction is made for rectangular openings in masonry walls Deductions = L x H x thickness of wall