Methods of preparation of preliminary or approximate construction cost estimation for studies of various aspects of work of project and its administrative approval is discussed. This estimate can decide, in case of commercial projects, whether the net income earned justifies the ...
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Basics of Building Construction
Understanding the basics of building construction helps to construct a building project successfully. The steps involved in building construction are explained in this article. Basic Steps in Starting a Building Project When there is a plan to develop a new ...
Ordinary Portland Cement -Constituents, Properties, Types and Uses
Ordinary Portland cement is one of the most widely used type of Cement. Types, properties, constituents, manufacture, uses and advantages of Ordinary Portland Cement is discussed. In 1824 Joseph Aspdin gave the name as Portland cement as it has similarity ...
Universal Testing Machine – Components and Functions
A Universal testing machine (UTM) is used to test the mechanical properties (tension, compression etc.) of a given test specimen by exerting tensile, compressive or transverse stresses. The machine has been named so because of the wide range of tests ...
Reinforcement Detailing in Beams According to IS 456-2000
Reinforcement detailing in beams Beam carries transverse external loads that cause bending moment, shear forces and in some cases torsion Concrete is strong in compression and very weak in tension. Steel reinforcement counter act tensile stresses in reinforced concrete beams. ...
Components Parts of a Bridge – Concrete and Steel Bridges Parts and Details
Various components and parts of a bridge such as superstructure, substructure, bearings of concrete and steel bridges, their types, importance, functions are discussed.
Tests for Workability of Concrete at Construction Site and Recommended Values
Various tests for workability of concrete at construction sites i.e slump test, Vee-bee test, Compaction factor test and its recommended values are given.
Types of Piles Based on Load Transfer, Function, Material and Soil
Types of Piles for Pile Foundation Based on Load Transfer and Function Classification of piles with respect to load transmission and functional behavior are: End bearing piles (point bearing piles) Friction piles (cohesion piles ) Combination of friction and cohesion ...
Methods of Splicing Reinforced Bars
Most of the reinforced concrete structures won’t be provided with full length reinforced bars. The manufacture and transportation of long bars are difficult, which limit the use of full length reinforced bars. The method used to join the reinforcement bars, ...
Minimum Concrete Cover for Reinforcement
Concrete cover for reinforcement is required to protect the rebar against corrosion and to provide resistance against fire. The thickness of cover depends on environmental conditions and type of structural member. The minimum thickness of reinforcement cover is indicated in ...