How to do visual checks on the reinforcement bar at site?
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The test of reinforcement bar at site are as follows;
Preet Chovatiya
You can check the quality of reinforcement at the site in three ways.
1. Mass per run meter – take 4 number of cutting bar of length 1 meter and check the average length and weight of each and check the mass per run meter.
2. Bend test – bend test should be followed IS code 1599, and the rebar sample should be bend 180° as per IS 1599.
3. Rebend test – first bend the rebar sample at 135°, and after that, keep it in boiling water of 100° C for 30 mins. After cool it down, bend it into 157.5°, and rebar should not show the crack or any rupture during this bend.
Structural Engineer
For visual checks on the reinforcement bar at site you can do following step.
Satish D
These are all visual checks we can do immediately at site level.