Tell me name of IS code which is used to determine permeability in concrete and tell me its whole procedure?
Model Building Bye Laws - 2016 General Building Permit within 30 days else deemed sanctioned Ease of Doing Business Single window clearance Online Approval System Empowering Professionals Green Building Norms Provisions for Differentty Abled, Elderly and Children Swachh Bharat Mission Definitions ApRead more
Model Building Bye Laws – 2016
- Building Permit within 30 days else deemed sanctioned
Ease of Doing Business
Single window clearance
Online Approval System - Empowering Professionals
- Green Building Norms
- Provisions for Differentty Abled, Elderly and Children
- Swachh Bharat Mission
Applicable to building activities in the State/Urban Center/Town for which they are framed.
- To be read in conjunction with Master Plan/ Development Plan/ Regional Plan/ Any other statutory plan in force.
- All mandatory Master Plan/ Zonal Plan/ Development Code regulations regarding land and building use, coverage, FAR, set-backs, open spaces, height, number of stories, number of dwelling units, parking standards etc., shall be applicable.
- Bye Laws to be reviewed after 5 years.
Procedure for obtaining Building Permit
- Documents Required. Layout & Site Plan, Building Plans, Service Plans for Water Supply, Sewage Disposal, Electricity Supply, Gas Supply, Fire & Safety Plans, Disaster Management (if applicable).
- Other Documents. Ownership docs., Certificate of Structural Safety, Certificate of Supervision, Property Tax Receipts, Undertakings, Bonds, NoCs and Forms
- Building Permit valid for 3 years for Residential, Industrial and Commercial Buildings (4 storeyed) and for 4 years for multi-storeyed buildings (more than 15 m in height). Revalidation on yr-to-yr basis on payment of revalidation fees.
- Completion/ Occupancy Certificate to be applied after building completed as per approved plans.
- Penal Actions in case bldg not built as per Bye Laws and unauthorized construction.
Development Codes & Building Requirements
- All mandatory Master Plan/ Zonal Plan/ Development Code regulations regarding land and building use, coverage, FAR, set-backs, open spaces, height, number of stories, number of dwelling units, parking standards etc., shall be applicable.
- Where Master Plans/ Zonal Plans/ Development Codes are silent on such issues, the state may formulate Building Bye Laws that shall be applicable. MBBL 2016 can be followed as guideline on such regulations.
Provisions for Differently Abled, Elderly and Children
- Applicable to all Buildings used by Public. Educational, Institutional, Assembly, Commercial, Business, Mercantile Buildings and Group Housing constructed on plots of more than 2000 sqm area.
- Not applicable to private residential buildings
- Provisions. Ambulant Disabled People, Wheel Chair Criteria, Access Width, Ramps, Nor-Slip Surface, Parking, Lifts, Stairways, Corridors, Toilets, Signage, PA System
Rain Water Harvesting
- Applicable on plots more than 100 sam. in size
- Owner to submit complete proposal for rainwater harvesting — roof catchment, gutters, down pipes, rain water/ storm water drains, storage tanks/ pits, ground water recharge structures like pit, trench, tube well etc.
- Applicable to public open spaces of more than 500 sqm. area
Green Building Norms
- Applicable on plots more than 100 sam. in size
- Provisions for Sanction as per Plot Size
1. Water Conservation and Management
a. Rain Water Harvesting (by Recharge)
b. Low Water Consumption Plumbing Fixtures
c. Waste Water Recycle and Reuse
d. Reduction of hardscape
2. Solar Energy Utilization
a. Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Panels
b. Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems
3. Energy Efficieny
a. Low Energy Consumption Lighting Fixtures (Electrical Appliances – BEE Star and Energy Efficient Appliances)
b. Energy Efficiency in HVAC systems
4. Waste Management
a. Segregation of Waste
b. Organic Waste Management - Owner can apply for Green Building Ratings and avail additional FAR as per Master Plan
Streamlining Approvals
- FDI limit for Built-up Area reduced from 50,000 sqm to 20,000 sqm
- External bodies like AAI, DFS, NMA, UAC, HCC, MRC etc. directed to prepare online NOC system, to be integrated with online single window clearance. Applicant to submit only one Common Application Form (CAF)
- Fast Tracking Approval Process
Online Approval System
Empowering Professionals and Outsourcing
Single Window Clearance
Integration of Agencies
Risk based classification of bldg
Risk Category (Residential Bldg’s)
Parameter | Very low | Low | Moderate | High |
Size of the plot | Below 105m2 | 105 m2 – 500 m2 | Above 500 m2 | All sizes |
Ht of bldg. | Below 15m | Below 15m | Below 15m | 15m & above |
Use of the premise | Residential plotted | Residential plotted | Residential plotted | Group housing |
Max. sanction time | Not reqd | Architect/Engr can issue permit. It reqd, Architect/Engr can submit plans to authority for approval. Authority to approve within 10 days | 20 days | 20 days |
Integration of Environment Clearance with Building Permission
- Buildings with BUA upto 1,50,000 sqm — Approval by local body
- Buildings with BUA above 1,50,000 sqm — Approval by MoEF&CC
- Buildings with BUA upto 1,50,000 sqm, classified under 3 categories:
1. Category ‘A’ buildings – BUA 5,000 sqm to 20,000 sqm
2. Category ‘B’ buildings – BUA 20,000 sqm to 50,000 sqm
3. Category ‘C’ buildings – BUA 50,000 sqm to 1,50,000 sqm - Environmental Conditions to be met — Natural Drainage, Rain Water Harvesting, Solid Waste Management, Green Energy Norms, Air Quality & Noise, Green Cover, Sewage Treatment etc.
IS 3085 : 1965 - Method of Test for Permeability of Cement Mortar and Concrete
IS 3085 : 1965 – Method of Test for Permeability of Cement Mortar and Concrete