What is launching apron in river training works?
Creep in soil is pretty much similar in concept to creep in general. Only the manifestation and consequences are different in different materials and can be very peculiar in soil. Creep in soil is the time dependant development of shear strains and/or volumetric strains in a soil mass in the stateRead more
Creep in soil is pretty much similar in concept to creep in general. Only the manifestation and consequences are different in different materials and can be very peculiar in soil.
Creep in soil is the time dependant development of shear strains and/or volumetric strains in a soil mass in the state of a constant effective stress for a prolonged period of time.
It is also sometimes referred to as the gradual loss of cohesion over a prolonged period of time in soil.
Unlike concrete, where creep results in deflection and cracking, creep in soil to may lead to long term settlement, movements of slopes, gradual loss of soil from slopes or shear failure.
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Assume one work is awarded to a contractor on item rate basis. During the execution of work, the necessity arises to do some works which are not given in the contract, but the contractor has been requested to carry out such works and payment will be made after supplemental rates and agreement are exRead more
Assume one work is awarded to a contractor on item rate basis. During the execution of work, the necessity arises to do some works which are not given in the contract, but the contractor has been requested to carry out such works and payment will be made after supplemental rates and agreement are executed
This is extra. work
Example Providing stainless steel handrails instead of aluminum handrails
Here extra work is provision of stainless steel handrails
During the execution of foundation work, the quantity given in the agreement is exceeding due to actual type of soil
Here additional quantity of earthwork, filling, RR work will be coming which are needed
Usually in the agreement itself it will be mentioned that the rates are applicable up to 5% more or less besides quantity
Here the additional work comes.
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