Which type of Paint is Best for the Exterior walls of the Building?
The most average time to build a multi family house which varies the number of units in a building. In 2014 building the twenty or more units took near about 15 months to complete from the time of obtaining permits. And properties with 10 to 19 units physically finished in 13.6 months whereas 5 to 9Read more
The most average time to build a multi family house which varies the number of units in a building.
In 2014 building the twenty or more units took near about 15 months to complete from the time of obtaining permits. And properties with 10 to 19 units physically finished in 13.6 months whereas 5 to 9 unit building came in at 11.5 months.
The average time from permits to start does not follow the same pattern with respect to property size. Properties with 10 to 19 units had the longest average waiting period.
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External walls have to be bear many things like bad weather, stormy winds, temperature variations, etc., So they have to be very tough, impenetrable. So the paint to be applied on that should help the wall do so. For exterior walls paints must have these properties..... UV resistance Water resistancRead more
External walls have to be bear many things like bad weather, stormy winds, temperature variations, etc., So they have to be very tough, impenetrable.
So the paint to be applied on that should help the wall do so.
For exterior walls paints must have these properties…..
Apart from these many other properties like good sheen, highly elongation, etc must be in high extent in the paint for best performance.
Paints good to be applied on the outer walls are
Now the brands
In the current scenario, given the R & D development most companies like Asian paints, Berger, Nerolac have similar quality paint. Slightly ahead would be Dulux.
The most important thing is not the paint but the painter
In the case of Exterior Paints Dulux Weathershield, Nerolac Excel, Asian Paints Ultima Protek, and Apex Ultima pitch in. It is good to choose products that suit your requirements rather than brands while choosing paints for interiors and exteriors of houses.
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