What is Pedestal in Column? What is the minimum steel criteria of it?
Hi, In gross bearing capacity, the gross load is taken. Loads from the superstructure, self-weight of the foundation, and overburden pressure are the gross loads. Gross bearing capacity value is not taken in design as it is very high. Safe bearing capacity is the bearing capacity value that neglectsRead more
In gross bearing capacity, the gross load is taken. Loads from the superstructure, self-weight of the foundation, and overburden pressure are the gross loads. Gross bearing capacity value is not taken in design as it is very high.
Safe bearing capacity is the bearing capacity value that neglects the overburden pressure and stress due to the footing weight. It is obtained by considering the factor of safety, i.e. net load is taken into consideration. More detailed explanation is given below.
- It is also called as Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Soil
- It is represented by qu
- Minimum gross pressure or load on the soil that can cause shear failure of the soil just below the footing.
- Gross bearing capacity of the soil is defined based on gross load.
- Gross load includes: Loads from superstructure, self-weight of the foundation and overburden pressure.
- Represented by qnu
- Net ultimate bearing Capacity = Gross bearing Capacity – (Stress due to weight of the footing + Stress due to overburden or surcharge)
- As shown in below figure, the depth of footing is Df, if the density of footing and soil are same, equal to γ. Then, qnu= qu – γDf
- Safe Bearing capacity of soil is obtained after applying the factor of safety.
- It is divided into two:
- Safe Net Bearing Capacity
- Safe Gross Bearing Capacity
- Safe Net Bearing Capacity is defined as the net soil pressure that can be safely applied to the soil considering shear failure alone. It is obtained as qns = Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qnu)/Factor of Safety, i.e. qns = qnu/FS
- Safe Gross Bearing Capacity or Safe bearing Capacity is defined as the maximum gross pressure that soil can carry without shear failure. It is given by safe gross bearing capacity qs = qns + γDf
When the height of member is less than 3times the least lateral dimensions of column it is termed as pedestal whereas when the value is greater than 3times least lateral dimension it is termed as column. For Pedestals (whose effective length is less than three times the least lateral dimension) theRead more
When the height of member is less than 3times the least lateral dimensions of column it is termed as pedestal whereas when the value is greater than 3times least lateral dimension it is termed as column.
For Pedestals (whose effective length is less than three times the least lateral dimension) the minimum reinforcement is specified as 0.15 percent cross sectional area of concrete.
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